Sunday, March 25, 2012

GM Diet: Day 1.

So I went shopping this morning for the entire week of this diet. I was pretty excited, my cart was full of bright colors, and I could just see the pounds melting off in my head. I'm thinking this should be a breeze...I absolutely LOVE fruits, I could eat them all the time.

I started off breakfast with a couple of strawberries and some cantaloupe. For lunch I had a bowl of the GM Cabbage soup they have us make, it actually wasn't bad at all, I added fresh seasonings and mushrooms to the soup ingredients they gave. No salt though, which sucks, because I could eat salt on everything and anything.

By like 2pm, I felt like i HAD to eat again, I was so hungry. So i ate a little more cantaloupe. Then C and I went kayaking out on this river, it was gorgeous! I got some sun, exercise, and it kept my mind off the fact that I wanted some chicken or food of substance badly.

Around 6:30pm, I ate some MORE cantaloupe, the soup, and then for dessert I had more strawberries. I also drank way more than 10 cups of water, I was so thirsty!

It's the end of the night now though, and I've got a pretty bad headache, and my stomach is killing me. I'm going to drink some more water and take some tylenol and then try to catch some Z's...

All in all, it was a pretty good day. I was tempted to cheat a bunch, but I didn't once, not even when C ate peanut butter right in front of me (it smelled sooooo good)!

Hope you've had just as good luck on your first day :)

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