My Story

I'm a 23 year old, brand new mommy, soon to be wife, full-time worker, and an avid can say that I stay a little bit busy! I've recently become all about living my life in a healthy way. I started off with the GM Diet, and was on the right track to cleansing my body, and my life, and losing weight in a healthy way. I lost 18 pounds...then gained a baby!

Baby Oliver is Due February 26th. It's been hard keeping healthy during pregnancy, but I've continued on my journey towards healthy living, now mostly for him. I can't wait till he's here, and I go full-scale cleane again!

Baby Oliver is here! March 5, 2013 has changed my life...and now I'm ready to get back to changing my body. Given a few weeks, lots of water, exercise, and some of these recipes I post on here (healthy and...not as healthy), I plan on getting back to my pre-baby weight, and then down some more pounds. 

If you travel further within my blog, you'll read about my favorite delicious recipes, healthy living and if you want to follow my track, there's ways to see how to do it on your own! :)

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